Finding Us 
From 28th June 2013 we shall be at

Duke House,
Newbury Road,
RG20 4SY

Telephone: 01635 898447

Do use your SatNav. It will get you to a point within a mile of the house. DO NOT rely on the SatNav alone. Read these instructions as well.

From M4 Junction 13 or from Newbury follow signs for Basingstoke on the A339. Go through Headley, passing Cheam School on your right. After about a mile you will see a lay-by on your left, followed by by the Orchard Business Park on your right. Take the track to the right immediately after the Business Park signposted to the Cottismore Garden Centre. Take care on the track as it is poorly surfaced and you will find Duke House on the right after about 400 yards. See Below for parking details.

From M3 junction 6 or Basingstoke follow signs for Newbury on the A339. You will skirt Kingsclere on the by-pass. At the roundabout continue to follow signs for Newbury. Pass the Star Inn on your left and after about 400 yards look for a sign to the Cottismore Garden Centre and take the turning to the track on your left. Take care on the track as it is poorly surfaced. You will find Duke House on the right after about 400 yards.

Parking: To avoid annoying our neighbours please park on our drive if at all possible. We can sort out double parking easily. If the drive is full, park opposite our drive either by the field or blocking the garage. Leave room for traffic to enter the garden centre through the barrier even if it is closed. If all else fails park by our wall or in the lane so as not to obstruct passing places or other traffic.

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